Sunday, November 3, 2013

Coaching SAISA Girls Basketball

Recently I have been going to the SAISA girls practice as the development team coach. The possibility of a development team is pretty slim at the moment so i'm not sure if this will hold. I've been to the last 3 practices and have helped Justin and Tharindu in coaching all the 20 girls (before the actual team has been chosen). 

Coaching the girls really helped me evaluate and reflect on my own game. I realized all the little mistakes i do and i remember hypocritically telling the girls to not to make those mistakes. I also got some creativity points by coming up with some drills and running some basic weaving plays. I did take the time to talk to some of the girls individually to work on some fundamental lacks.

In this activity i will be developing new skills such as learning how to teach and cater my knowledge to a skill set that is not as advanced as i'm used to. Like i mentioned before i'm also learning new things about my own game and leaning to not make the same mistakes that i always do. Another leaning outcome would be planning activities, in this case it would be planning and executing drills that help further the skills of others. I also think that working collaboratively with the other coaches in also key. Especially when Justin and me were asked for our opinion on the team selection. Overall I've had a really fun time helping out with the coaching and i really hope that the development team comes through and i get to continue.

Fashion Show

Gecko Inc.

We have decided to organize a fashion show to raise the funds for out trip to kilinochchi. Right now we are trying to collaborate with the school as well as other outside sponsors to make this event happen. The key thing here is time. Before we can organize such a big event there are so many things that we need to get in place. We need to get permission from school and apparently need to include the community that we are helping. This in itself is another thing we need to plan because that requires more permission from the foundation along with school. I guess the only way to make this happen is to show perseverance and push through until the event is complete.